"The etched copper of this model resembles the mashrabiya of traditional Arabian architecture for good reason: The model represents an early stage of the Nozul hotel that will overlook the Persian Gulf in Doha. The design responds to local climate as well as cultural history, as evidenced by the underlying, assemblage-like form. By eroding this mass, SOM created deep terraces that shade occupants and interiors from the beating sun. This strategy also maximized the height of the tower on a low-floor-area-ratio site. Here the core structure was made by 3D printing, and currently the real-life 55,000-square-meter building is in design development."  Photo 4 of 7 in Instagram Account We Love: Skidmore, Owings & Merrill by Diana Budds

Instagram Account We Love: Skidmore, Owings & Merrill

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"The etched copper of this model resembles the mashrabiya of traditional Arabian architecture for good reason: The model represents an early stage of the Nozul hotel that will overlook the Persian Gulf in Doha. The design responds to local climate as well as cultural history, as evidenced by the underlying, assemblage-like form. By eroding this mass, SOM created deep terraces that shade occupants and interiors from the beating sun. This strategy also maximized the height of the tower on a low-floor-area-ratio site. Here the core structure was made by 3D printing, and currently the real-life 55,000-square-meter building is in design development."