Collection by Rebecca Orlov
A 200-year-old factory in Umbria is transformed into an inviting home by designer Paola Navone. In the seating area, a trolley found at a flea market functions as the coffee table alongside an expansive Navone-designed sofa for Linteloo. Custom pendants by photographer Mark Eden Schooley hang above the dining table. Photo by Wichmann + Bendtsen.
If letting your bed linens drape onto the floor or the platform bed frame just isn’t your style, keep your bedroom feeling sharp and tidy by tucking your sheets under the mattress and removing any extra blankets or fluffy comforters. A slim, white bed frame such as this one feels skeletal enough to still convey airiness.
The best way to integrate different furniture styles is to treat “the space like a gallery and place objects according to their colors,” internationally acclaimed designer Jaime Hayon says. He cautions against using too much natural wood furniture in a space with wood floors: “You need contrast.” In his newly renovated home in Valencia, Spain, contrasting materials, small porcelain objects, and an occasional black form enliven a palette of light gray furniture. Photo by: Nienke Klunder