The photos we most closely associate with Shulman—like two women seated in a corner of Case Study House No. 22, the glowing sparks of Los Angeles scattered at their feet—were recognized by all. "It shows a way of life that is how we all imagine this one moment of modernism," said Ferran Barenblit, director of CA2M, an art space in Madrid that had recently hosted a show by Sonic Youth.  Photo 6 of 8 in In Madrid: Julius Shulman's LA by Alissa Walker

In Madrid: Julius Shulman's LA

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The photos we most closely associate with Shulman—like two women seated in a corner of Case Study House No. 22, the glowing sparks of Los Angeles scattered at their feet—were recognized by all. "It shows a way of life that is how we all imagine this one moment of modernism," said Ferran Barenblit, director of CA2M, an art space in Madrid that had recently hosted a show by Sonic Youth.