In Los Angeles, we are often accused of forgetting. But what we probably forget more than anything is how recognizable our city is to lovers of architecture all over the world. It's not at all difficult to get someone who has never been to Los Angeles to describe the Theme Building, the Hollywood Bowl, Watts Towers, Walt Disney Concert Hall. And when they describe them to you, they are often describing the images of them captured by one man: architectural photographer Julius Shulman.  Photo 1 of 8 in In Madrid: Julius Shulman's LA by Alissa Walker

In Madrid: Julius Shulman's LA

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In Los Angeles, we are often accused of forgetting. But what we probably forget more than anything is how recognizable our city is to lovers of architecture all over the world. It's not at all difficult to get someone who has never been to Los Angeles to describe the Theme Building, the Hollywood Bowl, Watts Towers, Walt Disney Concert Hall. And when they describe them to you, they are often describing the images of them captured by one man: architectural photographer Julius Shulman.