"99 percent of the miniatures featured in the book were made painstakingly with hand tools: Xacto knives, sandpaper, felt, a needle and thread, strips of basswood, and mahogany—things you can find at a great art supply store," Chun says. "I only recently got a Dremel rotary tool to help with sanding the curves of a Saarinen dining table. But overall, the simple, clean lines—often pure geometry—found in mid-century and Danish modern sensibilities helps with creating pieces at this scale."  Photo 12 of 21 in Furniture First by Tammy Vinson from A Miniature Midcentury World Comes to Life In this Kickstarter

Furniture First

12 of 21

"99 percent of the miniatures featured in the book were made painstakingly with hand tools: Xacto knives, sandpaper, felt, a needle and thread, strips of basswood, and mahogany—things you can find at a great art supply store," Chun says. "I only recently got a Dremel rotary tool to help with sanding the curves of a Saarinen dining table. But overall, the simple, clean lines—often pure geometry—found in mid-century and Danish modern sensibilities helps with creating pieces at this scale."