Collection by Teacher


The fixed-gear bicycle hanging above the couch serves as an art piece; Chen no longer rides the bike. Le Corbusier Projecteur 165 pendant lights hang in the corner.
The fixed-gear bicycle hanging above the couch serves as an art piece; Chen no longer rides the bike. Le Corbusier Projecteur 165 pendant lights hang in the corner.
The sliding door separating the living room from the bedroom can be used as a whiteboard. The Hybrid Chair from Studio Lorier can be converted from an office chair (seen here) to a lounge chair.
The sliding door separating the living room from the bedroom can be used as a whiteboard. The Hybrid Chair from Studio Lorier can be converted from an office chair (seen here) to a lounge chair.
A third floor walk-up, sized at only 376 square feet, has been renovated into the home for Jack Chen of Tsai Design. A multifunctional built-in conceals this TV screen, and a pull-out work station and computer monitor are hidden in the adjacent cabinet.
A third floor walk-up, sized at only 376 square feet, has been renovated into the home for Jack Chen of Tsai Design. A multifunctional built-in conceals this TV screen, and a pull-out work station and computer monitor are hidden in the adjacent cabinet.
Type St. Apartment floor plan
Type St. Apartment floor plan