Collection by Andrew B
To increase the visual space, Herrmann took advantage of the bucolic, hillside setting, and made it a vital part of the interior experience. Every room features at least one large window, each showcasing a different view of the ever-changing landscape: mountains from the living room, woods from the kitchen, and wooded hillsides from the rooms upstairs.
To increase the visual space, Herrmann took advantage of the bucolic, hillside setting, and made it a vital part of the interior experience. Every room features at least one large window, each showcasing a different view of the ever-changing landscape: mountains from the living room, woods from the kitchen, and wooded hillsides from the rooms upstairs.
A warm and cheerful "Aloha
A warm and cheerful "Aloha
Woods & Water breezeway
Woods & Water breezeway
Living room with color block rug that matches retreat's branding and a variety of seating for a conversation area. Vintage skis on the wall and original mid-century brass floor lamps.
Living room with color block rug that matches retreat's branding and a variety of seating for a conversation area. Vintage skis on the wall and original mid-century brass floor lamps.
“As a practice, we are interested in honesty of materials and celebration of the tectonics of the structure,” says architect Simon Knight. “We quite like that approach and aesthetic—and that’s where the idea for the vaulted roof space came from.”
“As a practice, we are interested in honesty of materials and celebration of the tectonics of the structure,” says architect Simon Knight. “We quite like that approach and aesthetic—and that’s where the idea for the vaulted roof space came from.”
The Entrée
The Entrée
Orcas Island Community Space and Farm Kitchen - kitchen
Orcas Island Community Space and Farm Kitchen - kitchen
Orcas Island Community Space and Farm Kitchen - kitchen
Orcas Island Community Space and Farm Kitchen - kitchen
The primary bedroom is wrapped in plywood from floor to ceiling.
The primary bedroom is wrapped in plywood from floor to ceiling.