For the style-conscious city dweller who values utility above all else, the DraMaten New York Shopping Trolley from Urbanista features a sleek, foldable frame, water-resistant exterior, and generous pockets that are large enough to carry groceries, laundry, or just about anything else a New Yorker—or other urban inhabitant—might need.  Photo 5 of 8 in Everyone Loves Design Deals: Presidents' Day Sale at the Dwell Store by Marianne Colahan

Everyone Loves Design Deals: Presidents' Day Sale at the Dwell Store

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For the style-conscious city dweller who values utility above all else, the DraMaten New York Shopping Trolley from Urbanista features a sleek, foldable frame, water-resistant exterior, and generous pockets that are large enough to carry groceries, laundry, or just about anything else a New Yorker—or other urban inhabitant—might need.