Click and Grow

Back-to-the-land types may decry the Click and Grow, a sleek Scandinavian-designed assemblage of microchips and NASA-inspired Smart Soil that can help grow plants and herbs indoors all year round. That’s OK, though; when you’re enjoying fresh basil or berries in the middle of the winter, they can go outside and try to forage some root vegetables. 

Photo by Andres Keil  Photo 9 of 10 in Editors' Picks: Our 10 Favorite Planters  by Aileen Kwun from Products for Indoor and Urban Gardening

Editors' Picks: Our 10 Favorite Planters

9 of 10

Click and Grow

Back-to-the-land types may decry the Click and Grow, a sleek Scandinavian-designed assemblage of microchips and NASA-inspired Smart Soil that can help grow plants and herbs indoors all year round. That’s OK, though; when you’re enjoying fresh basil or berries in the middle of the winter, they can go outside and try to forage some root vegetables.

Photo by Andres Keil