Collection by Nick Baulderdash
Each of MyCabin's offerings were designed to work in concert and form a complete residential set, where My Milla (25 or long) houses daily living, My Kalmus provides a dedicated work space, and My Galia adds a bit of wellful luxury.
Each of MyCabin's offerings were designed to work in concert and form a complete residential set, where My Milla (25 or long) houses daily living, My Kalmus provides a dedicated work space, and My Galia adds a bit of wellful luxury.
The new concrete wall along the western perimeter contains a walled garden with a secondary entrance. Cream-colored LOHAS Nilo Rustic bricks clad the new extension to remain "sympathetic yet differentiated" from the existing red-brick Edwardian.
The new concrete wall along the western perimeter contains a walled garden with a secondary entrance. Cream-colored LOHAS Nilo Rustic bricks clad the new extension to remain "sympathetic yet differentiated" from the existing red-brick Edwardian.
“I envision people writing their books, music, refuelling their creative flow,” says Castillero. He should know about its energizing power more than anyone, really: it brought him back to his love of architecture, after all. “It’s truly my new happy place.”
“I envision people writing their books, music, refuelling their creative flow,” says Castillero. He should know about its energizing power more than anyone, really: it brought him back to his love of architecture, after all. “It’s truly my new happy place.”
The Cabin is used by a couple with a young child, who spend their weekends here while a larger country home is under construction.
The Cabin is used by a couple with a young child, who spend their weekends here while a larger country home is under construction.
This Cypress-clad farmhouse by Workaday Design nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Appalachia was a family affair.
This Cypress-clad farmhouse by Workaday Design nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Appalachia was a family affair.
Sitting lightly above the eelgrass, this tiny dwelling serves as a port of entry for a family getaway on the Salish Sea.
Sitting lightly above the eelgrass, this tiny dwelling serves as a port of entry for a family getaway on the Salish Sea.
Clients can customize the cabin's exterior, making it out of wood or steel.
Clients can customize the cabin's exterior, making it out of wood or steel.
Pricing for a standard Jupe starts at $24,500, with additional costs for details like a front porch and off-grid capabilities.
Pricing for a standard Jupe starts at $24,500, with additional costs for details like a front porch and off-grid capabilities.
A Nova Scotia couple learn that although triangular homes may look simple, they can be devilishly complex.
A Nova Scotia couple learn that although triangular homes may look simple, they can be devilishly complex.

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