Although compositionally simple, each print is comprised of several parts. The graphic is screen-printed on 140-pound arches watercolor paper, after which McGinnis fills the colored print with a hand-drawn line sketch in charcoal, ensuring that no two prints are exactly the same. From there, the 100 percent cotton paper is mounted and framed in an ash wood frame. Pictured here are the Yellow Leaf, Blue Horse, Blue Fern, Red Snake, and Blue Elephant prints.  Photo 1 of 7 in Bright Flora and Fauna Prints by Mark McGinnis by Marianne Colahan

Bright Flora and Fauna Prints by Mark McGinnis

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Although compositionally simple, each print is comprised of several parts. The graphic is screen-printed on 140-pound arches watercolor paper, after which McGinnis fills the colored print with a hand-drawn line sketch in charcoal, ensuring that no two prints are exactly the same. From there, the 100 percent cotton paper is mounted and framed in an ash wood frame. Pictured here are the Yellow Leaf, Blue Horse, Blue Fern, Red Snake, and Blue Elephant prints.