What types of small, easy, or even invisible updates to cities can support our environment in the long term?

@thisisheatherc: Design should work with, not against, its location. Local, sustainable materials, native plants, etc., make a difference

@OlyTsav: Water retention, solar panels, and wind harvesting. Just basic energy renewal.

@Adrian_Benepe: No spot in a city is too small to capture storm water & help reduce flooding and water pollution  Photo 5 of 6 in Best of #ModernMonday: Designing for Resiliency by Luke Hopping

Best of #ModernMonday: Designing for Resiliency

5 of 6

What types of small, easy, or even invisible updates to cities can support our environment in the long term?

@thisisheatherc: Design should work with, not against, its location. Local, sustainable materials, native plants, etc., make a difference

@OlyTsav: Water retention, solar panels, and wind harvesting. Just basic energy renewal.

@Adrian_Benepe: No spot in a city is too small to capture storm water & help reduce flooding and water pollution