BIT UNION AKERSGATA (OSLO): The marquee moments in BIT UNION Akersgata—which opened in January 2016— culminate around the organic sweep of the floating Corian service counter. Clean lines form from brass, glass and wood finishes, neatly showcasing cafe offerings. While overhead, the undulating, three-dimensional, oak drop-ceiling introduces an element of the psychedelic into cafe proceedings. 

Photo: Paul Paiewonsky
  Photo 1 of 10 in Bespoke Oasis in Bustling Oslo by Montaag Design

Bespoke Oasis in Bustling Oslo

1 of 10

BIT UNION AKERSGATA (OSLO): The marquee moments in BIT UNION Akersgata—which opened in January 2016— culminate around the organic sweep of the floating Corian service counter. Clean lines form from brass, glass and wood finishes, neatly showcasing cafe offerings. While overhead, the undulating, three-dimensional, oak drop-ceiling introduces an element of the psychedelic into cafe proceedings.

Photo: Paul Paiewonsky