For the banisters and railings around the reading loft, Miro and Weiss selected aluminum-magnesium Speed-Rail. They liked the “inexpensive industrial” look it provided, explains Miro, and that it seemed “smooth, sturdy, and honest.” The system consists of lengths of pipe and prefabricated brackets that simply slip together and tighten with set screws.  Photo 9 of 11 in A Look at Staircases by Dwell

A Look at Staircases

9 of 11

For the banisters and railings around the reading loft, Miro and Weiss selected aluminum-magnesium Speed-Rail. They liked the “inexpensive industrial” look it provided, explains Miro, and that it seemed “smooth, sturdy, and honest.” The system consists of lengths of pipe and prefabricated brackets that simply slip together and tighten with set screws.