Mill Junction Student Housing (Johannesburg, South Africa) 

The developers at Citiq decided to one-up anybody reclaiming and reusing building material by fashioning an 11-story dorm out of shipping containers and abandoned grain silos. This colorful space near the city’s central business district accommodates nearly 400 students in a mish-mash of metal shapes. 

Photo by Citiq  Photo 2 of 73 in Shipping Containers (Inspirations & Ideas) by Joseph Clark from Examples of Shipping Container Architecture

Shipping Containers (Inspirations & Ideas)

2 of 73

Mill Junction Student Housing (Johannesburg, South Africa)

The developers at Citiq decided to one-up anybody reclaiming and reusing building material by fashioning an 11-story dorm out of shipping containers and abandoned grain silos. This colorful space near the city’s central business district accommodates nearly 400 students in a mish-mash of metal shapes.

Photo by Citiq