Shed & Studio, Living Room Room Type, Family Room Room Type, and Den Room Type Work It

“We wanted to open up the back of the house, but there’s nothing to look at,” says Dana. “So we decided to put something in our yard as a focal point, to create our own view.” The architects came up with a glass-walled studio, which Dana uses as 

her home office. The architects mounted a steel I-beam that spans the yard, with holes drilled at eight-inch intervals for maximum flexibility of use. Right now it’s used for Ikea play equipment, but later they plan to hang a hammock and a movie screen.  Photo 11 of 11 in An Airy Addition to a Historic Boise Home

An Airy Addition to a Historic Boise Home

11 of 11

"We wanted to open up the back of the house, but there’s nothing to look at," says Dana. "So we decided to put something in our yard as a focal point, to create our own view." The architects came up with a glass-walled studio, which Dana uses as her home office. The architects mounted a steel I-beam that spans the yard, with holes drilled at eight-inch intervals for maximum flexibility of use. Right now it’s used for IKEA play equipment, but later they plan to hang a hammock and a movie screen.