Most of the floorboards in the main bedroom needed to be replaced. "Juls has been on a floorboard crusade this week, trying to solve the puzzle of how can we make this work and keep costs down," wrote Nadine on an Instagram post. "Many trips to reclaimed wood places were made, floorboards were reconfigured once and then again, but he did it!" They also salvaged original floorboards from under the tiles in the bathroom.  Photo 8 of 13 in Top 5 Dos and Don’ts of a Home Renovation From a Real-Life Couple

Top 5 Dos and Don’ts of a Home Renovation From a Real-Life Couple

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Most of the floorboards in the main bedroom needed to be replaced. "Juls has been on a floorboard crusade this week, trying to solve the puzzle of how can we make this work and keep costs down," wrote Nadine on an Instagram post. "Many trips to reclaimed wood places were made, floorboards were reconfigured once and then again, but he did it!" They also salvaged original floorboards from under the tiles in the bathroom.