One of the major challenges of the renovation so far has been a plaster shortage in the UK due to lockdowns. "It was stressful," says Nadine. "There was a little group of us from the renovation community tipping each other off, and we had to get up at 4 a.m. to line up for plaster!" As a result, finishing the plastering of the main bedroom was a major milestone. "This is such an exciting landmark for all renovators, as it means you can finally think about decorating," wrote Nadine on Instagram. "I will never take plaster being available in shops for granted ever again!"  Photo 3 of 13 in Top 5 Dos and Don’ts of a Home Renovation From a Real-Life Couple

Top 5 Dos and Don’ts of a Home Renovation From a Real-Life Couple

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One of the major challenges of the renovation so far has been a plaster shortage in the UK due to lockdowns. "It was stressful," says Nadine. "There was a little group of us from the renovation community tipping each other off, and we had to get up at 4 a.m. to line up for plaster!" As a result, finishing the plastering of the main bedroom was a major milestone. "This is such an exciting landmark for all renovators, as it means you can finally think about decorating," wrote Nadine on Instagram. "I will never take plaster being available in shops for granted ever again!"