Nadine Bacchus-Garrick and her partner Juls are in the process of documenting the renovation of their first home on the Instagram account @rona_renovation. "This is totally new for both of us," says Nadine. "Juls is a leather craftsman and makes all his products by hand, so he’s handy, but I have a background in PR and work in a stationary office job. A lot of the men in my family work in trade, though, so I had a rough idea of what to expect."  Photo 2 of 13 in Top 5 Dos and Don’ts of a Home Renovation From a Real-Life Couple

Top 5 Dos and Don’ts of a Home Renovation From a Real-Life Couple

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Nadine Bacchus-Garrick and her partner Juls are in the process of documenting the renovation of their first home on the Instagram account @rona_renovation. "This is totally new for both of us," says Nadine. "Juls is a leather craftsman and makes all his products by hand, so he’s handy, but I have a background in PR and work in a stationary office job. A lot of the men in my family work in trade, though, so I had a rough idea of what to expect."