The family home that residents Tyler Lepore, Lisa Giroday, builders Hanson Land & Sea, and September Architecture devised in the Sunshine Coast region of British Columbia, Canada, is wrapped with cedar and brick, tying to its wooded surround, which is only a four-minute walk to the ocean. "The house feels like it's part of the setting,  Photo 1 of 15 in On British Columbia’s Sunshine Coast, a Family Builds an Environmentally Attuned Home

On British Columbia’s Sunshine Coast, a Family Builds an Environmentally Attuned Home

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Tyler Lepore and Lisa Giroday’s family home in the Sunshine Coast region of British Columbia, Canada, is wrapped with brick and cedar siding that ties into the wooded surround. "The house feels like it’s part of the setting," says builder Marlin Hanson of Hanson Land & Sea. "You can feel the sea breeze when you’re on the property."