Imai House by Katsutoshi Sasaki + Associates

Incorporating outdoor areas, such as the ground floor terrace, and playing with alternating room heights (the living room is nearly three times higher than the bedrooms) provided character and definition in what otherwise could have been a series of boxy spaces resembling Tetris pieces.

Photo provided by Katsutoshi Sasaki + Associates  Photo 5 of 7 in Minimal Home on a Narrow Plot in Japan

Minimal Home on a Narrow Plot in Japan

5 of 7

Imai House by Katsutoshi Sasaki + Associates

Incorporating outdoor areas, such as the ground floor terrace, and playing with alternating room heights (the living room is nearly three times higher than the bedrooms) provided character and definition in what otherwise could have been a series of boxy spaces resembling Tetris pieces.

Photo provided by Katsutoshi Sasaki + Associates