During the process of making just one fire shovel, Calgary-based blacksmith Japheth Howard will place the metal pieces into his forge hundreds of times. With his hand on its blade, he maneuvers the shaft of the shovel into the red-hot coke, a fuel derived from coal. Next to him are a few of the tools he relies on most, including a crook-shaped fire poker and several pairs of tongs.  Photo 2 of 14 in Meet a Seasoned Blacksmith Who Reveals His Art's Painstaking Process

Meet a Seasoned Blacksmith Who Reveals His Art's Painstaking Process

2 of 14

During the process of making just one fire shovel, Calgary-based blacksmith Japheth Howard will place the metal pieces into his forge hundreds of times. With his hand on its blade, he maneuvers the shaft of the shovel into the red-hot coke, a fuel derived from coal. Next to him are a few of the tools he relies on most, including a crook-shaped fire poker and several pairs of tongs.