The influence of Japanese designer Shiro Kuramata's time with the 1980s Memphis group is evident in the design of this living room in Tokyo in 1983, with the bold colors of the terrazzo aggregate appearing to float in its otherwise white substrate. Although the room was designed more than thirty-five years ago, it still feels simple, modern, and appropriate for today. On the opposite page is the bathroom of fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld in Rome, Italy. The interiors of Lagerfeld's homes were typically done by himself, sometimes with help from interior designer friends; this bathroom in particular featured an intriguing mix of objects including a wooden spiral stair and ubiquitous porcelain sink.  Photo 6 of 9 in Here Are the Greatest Rooms of the Century, According to Phaidon

Here Are the Greatest Rooms of the Century, According to Phaidon

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The influence of Japanese designer Shiro Kuramata's time with the 1980s Memphis group is evident in the design of this living room in Tokyo in 1983, with the bold colors of the terrazzo aggregate appearing to float in its otherwise white substrate. Although the room was designed more than 35 years ago, it still feels simple, modern, and appropriate for today. On the opposite page is the bathroom of fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld in Rome, Italy. The interiors of Lagerfeld's homes were typically done by himself, sometimes with help from interior designer friends; this bathroom in particular featured an intriguing mix of objects including a wooden spiral stair and ubiquitous porcelain sink.