Inception Shades help to keep the space cool and comfortable by blocking UV rays during the hottest points of the day.Translucent fabric manages glare and provides privacy without blocking all light. The result is a warm, inviting ambient glow. “They’re just simple, beautiful shades that are easy to use,” says Karcher of the Inception Shades. “No pull cords or extra hardware.”  Photo 5 of 7 in This Cozy Lakeside Home Is Built From a Kit, But It Feels Anything But Cookie-Cutter

This Cozy Lakeside Home Is Built From a Kit, But It Feels Anything But Cookie-Cutter

Presented by

J Geiger
5 of 7

Inception Shades help to keep the space cool and comfortable by blocking UV rays during the hottest points of the day. Translucent fabric manages glare and provides privacy without blocking all light. The result is a warm, inviting ambient glow. "They’re just simple, beautiful shades that are easy to use," says Karcher of the Inception Shades. "No pull cords or extra hardware."