In disaster situations, you might need your identification card for a variety of reasons: traveling to another city, state, or country; claiming assets at banks and other financial organizations; being admitted at a hospital; registering for help with local or federal agencies. It is recommended to keep copies of passports, drivers licenses, Social Security cards, and other major documents like marriage licenses and birth certificates in a waterproof pouch or zipped plastic bag. Some even suggest keeping copies of additional documents like your will, deeds to your house, and insurance policies. A fire- and water-resistant file folder, like this one made by ENGPOW, keeps your documents extra safe.  Photo 6 of 11 in 10 Things You Should Absolutely Have in Your Home Emergency Kit

10 Things You Should Absolutely Have in Your Home Emergency Kit

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In disaster situations, you might need your identification card for a variety of reasons: traveling to another city, state, or country; claiming assets at banks and other financial organizations; being admitted at a hospital; registering for help with local or federal agencies. It is recommended to keep copies of passports, drivers licenses, Social Security cards, and other major documents like marriage licenses and birth certificates in a waterproof pouch or zipped plastic bag. Some even suggest keeping copies of additional documents like your will, deeds to your house, and insurance policies. A fire- and water-resistant file folder, like this one made by ENGPOW, keeps your documents extra safe.