Living Room, Lamps, Ceiling Lighting, Concrete Floor, and Chair The homeowners, Doug Smith, an entrepreneur, and his wife Lorna, an artist, wanted an experimental look and positive atmosphere. “Color is exciting because it really has a life of its own,” says Prillinger. “At the scale of architecture, and as light changes throughout the day and year, it does things one doesn’t anticipate. One has to be a little brave to entertain trying to harness it in the first place, and open to, or better yet, excited by some amount of uncertainty.”  Photo 3 of 4 in An Expert Painter Explains How He Pulled Off an Electrifying Interior

An Expert Painter Explains How He Pulled Off an Electrifying Interior

Presented by

Benjamin Moore
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The homeowners, Doug Smith, an entrepreneur, and his wife Lorna, an artist, wanted an experimental look and positive atmosphere. "Color is exciting because it really has a life of its own," says Prillinger. "At the scale of architecture, and as light changes throughout the day and year, it does things one doesn’t anticipate. One has to be a little brave to entertain trying to harness it in the first place, and open to, or better yet, excited by some amount of uncertainty."