Outdoor, Front Yard, Stone Patio, Porch, Deck, and Pavers Patio, Porch, Deck The Opdahl House, designed by Edward Killingsworth for Richard and Joyce Opdahl, is located on the island of Naples, in Long Beach, California, and the design responds to the constraints imposed by the compact site.Unlike the neighbors, whose  homes unflinchingly abut their property lines, Killingsworth set the Opdahl House 42 feet back from the street, dedicating half of the lot to a dramatic entryway that includes a carport, garden, and reflecting pool. The effect is one of entering a private sanctuary.  Photo 2 of 7 in How to Make Your Tiny Yard Feel Spacious from Opdahl Remastered

How to Make Your Tiny Yard Feel Spacious

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Take full advantage of the power of perspective by using low split-rail fence and delicately slanting the long straight rows of shrubs to one another. This will create an illusion of having a big outdoor space. Much like stripes on an outfit, create lines where you want your space to feel long. Using a mixture of various paving materials is another way to create distraction, which will help make your yard feel spacious.