Sandy Design Help Desk in Brooklyn

The Sandy Help Desk program pairs owners of devastated homes with architects who provide rebuilding advice. "Frankly, everyone is learning by doing in this situation, and they’re getting this great, rich volunteer experience working with the 90% of the population who can’t afford an architect but really need it in this particular situation," Minnery say. "Architects rarely get to engage with the public, so I get really exited about that, because we all know more about each other and become more sensitive about the social issues we’re trying to tackle."

Photo by Archtecture for Humanity  Photo 2 of 5 in Resilient Building in the Post-Sandy Era

Resilient Building in the Post-Sandy Era

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Sandy Design Help Desk in Brooklyn

The Sandy Help Desk program pairs owners of devastated homes with architects who provide rebuilding advice. "Frankly, everyone is learning by doing in this situation, and they’re getting this great, rich volunteer experience working with the 90% of the population who can’t afford an architect but really need it in this particular situation," Minnery say. "Architects rarely get to engage with the public, so I get really exited about that, because we all know more about each other and become more sensitive about the social issues we’re trying to tackle."

Photo by Archtecture for Humanity