• Advice
  • Beginner
  • Cheap
  • Few Hours

Dwell On This: Make Room for Meditation

Create a restorative space for the ultimate “me time.”

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At a Glance


  • This is more about mindset than know-how.


  • This won't cost anything, though you may consider a plush meditation cushion.

Few Hours

  • Set up a space in an hour or so.

In the last year, many of us have carved out corners for work or exercise in our homes, but few of us have a dedicated space for quiet contemplation and stillness—a meditation corner.

Photo: Mar Hernández

Science has shown that everyone can benefit from the restorative effects of having a comfortable environment where productivity gives way to rest, movement comes to a pause, and worries are eclipsed by a sense of calm. A "me" space, if you will.   

Luckily, a meditation nook is inherently subtractive in nature, where noise and stimuli are removed, so it’s one of the more affordable spaces to furnish. You can add soothing elements like lush indoor plants, a small fountain, or an item to focus on as a totem to create a serene atmosphere (but please, no crystals)—but these are completely optional. All you really need is a quiet, cozy corner that’s free of distraction.

A room with a view of the sky or surrounding landscape is ideal. Otherwise, a favorite piece of artwork on the wall, a floral arrangement, or a mirror can all invite a meditative state. Sprigs of herbs of fragrant fruit and an ambient playlist can engage the senses. One thing you might want to splurge on is a comfortable cushion; you want to maintain a good posture so that your experience is more "Om" than "Ow."


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