Pioneering chef Alice Waters has been converting schoolyards into spaces where children can grow plants and learn about making food since 1995. Her latest site, at P.S. 216 in Brooklyn, was designed by WORKac and is housed in a glass enclosure that features a greenhouse, raised beds, a chicken coop, and an indoor kitchen classroom. The structure channels runoff rainwater from its roof for reuse in the greenhouse.  Search “宝格丽手表l2161多少钱【精+仿++微wxmpscp】” from Public and Private Urban Gardens We Love

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Pioneering chef Alice Waters has been converting schoolyards into spaces where children can grow plants and learn about making food since 1995. Her latest site, at P.S. 216 in Brooklyn, was designed by WORKac and is housed in a glass enclosure that features a greenhouse, raised beds, a chicken coop, and an indoor kitchen classroom. The structure channels runoff rainwater from its roof for reuse in the greenhouse.