Textile tiles by Ronel Jordaan-Cape Town winters are no joke. The temperature doesn't actually drop to the freezing point, but houses typically have poor insulation, and central heating is rare. Ronel Jordaan's new wool and cement tiles will be a remarkably cozy solution to radiant heat, although she says that they're working out a few details before installing them as flooring quite yet. For now, she's installing a wall of the tiles in a client's new house to give them the warm fuzzies.  Rebecca L. Weber’s Saves from Design Indaba Expo 2013

Rebecca L. Weber’s Saves

Textile tiles by Ronel Jordaan-Cape Town winters are no joke. The temperature doesn't actually drop to the freezing point, but houses typically have poor insulation, and central heating is rare. Ronel Jordaan's new wool and cement tiles will be a remarkably cozy solution to radiant heat, although she says that they're working out a few details before installing them as flooring quite yet. For now, she's installing a wall of the tiles in a client's new house to give them the warm fuzzies.