Garrett Wade Exceptionally Strong Garden Digger

Garrett Wade Exceptionally Strong Garden Digger


Our new digger takes the classic design and ramps up the functionality and durability. We use an exceptionally strong Japanese stainless steel blade that's a full 1/8-inch thick and 7 inches long. We made the handle out of a tropical redwood for comfort and strength. A custom-fit USA-made leather belt sheath is included, so the digger is always by your side.

Years ago, Japanese toolmakers pioneered this very popular hori-hori design ("hori" means "to dig" in Japanese). A digger is meant for gardeners to use as a durable, everyday tool for weeding, loosening soil, and planting. With its row of teeth, it can even do light root chopping. We have carried this style of digger for decades because it functions really well.