Design House Stockholm Bjork Wool & Cotton Rug

Design House Stockholm Bjork Wool & Cotton Rug


The Bjork rugs and their patterned structure offer a modern and enriched textile quality that is beautifully paired with a stylish and protective leather edging. The designer, Lena Bergstrom's, conviction is that the flat textile surface of a rug is just as natural in the home as stone and wood: "To me, the rugs are poetry, like a quiet whisper within the room." For the Bjork Rugs, Lena has drawn inspiration from the rough black and white graphical structure of the birch tree's trunk. The color tones of Bjork create a marbled effect through a warp of cotton intertwined with a weft in wool, known not only for its softness, but also for its in-built resistance to dirt.

Photo courtesy of Horne