Project posted by Karmin Shaw


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From Karmin Shaw


My husband and I have spent the past 10 years of our lives dreaming of this finished Reno, 4 years actually in the process, and we are now living in our West Coast Modern home. We kept the footprint of the original 1974 Midcentury Modern home on the West coast in Campbell River designed by a local fellow, Len Hudock, this was no easy task in a small town...our trades and ourselves learnt more then any of us expected on this job!!

Backstory: my husband fell in love with this home we fondly call “Stokes Place” 12 years ago as he paddled by the home on his Kayak. He knocked on the door of the home shortly after and although they did not want to sell, they invited him in and for a couple of years after my husband continued to check on them and see if they were ready to sell ...Then I entered the picture and he began to bring me around to the visits...eventually they wanted to downsize and none of their children wanted to take on the task of resurrecting the some after some tense negotiating and the throwing in of an arco lamp , here we are....1000’s of square feet of natural, ship-lap, exterior cedar siding, countless hour planning, researching, committing , we feel we have created a unique , modern but warm home.....

If you would like to see interior pictures, let me know, I did not want to bore you if this is a home that does not suit the magazine. Dwell was our inspiration throughout, Dwell, Living etc, EST..