There were three blueprints on the wall next to the Black Teahouse, but this third one was my favorite. Fujimori's drawings have a wonderfully naive quality, and his depiction of the builders lifting the top half of the structure onto the base has a comic book charm and made me wish Ikea would employ the same kind of infographics.  Photo 9 of 11 in Terunobu Fujimori at RMIT by Aaron Britt

Terunobu Fujimori at RMIT

9 of 11

There were three blueprints on the wall next to the Black Teahouse, but this third one was my favorite. Fujimori's drawings have a wonderfully naive quality, and his depiction of the builders lifting the top half of the structure onto the base has a comic book charm and made me wish Ikea would employ the same kind of infographics.