A 3,120-square-foot 19th-century brownstone building in Park Slope, Brooklyn—the first certified Passive House in New York City—was one of three finalists in the retrofits category. Fabrica718, an environmentally focused Brooklyn design practice, renovated the house starting in 2009.  Photo 1 of 8 in Passivhaus Institut Crosses Million-Square-Meter Threshold by William Lamb from Passivhaus Institut Announces 2014 Finalists

Passivhaus Institut Crosses Million-Square-Meter Threshold

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A 3,120-square-foot 19th-century brownstone building in Park Slope, Brooklyn—the first certified Passive House in New York City—was one of three finalists in the retrofits category. Fabrica718, an environmentally focused Brooklyn design practice, renovated the house starting in 2009.