Two hours northwest of Chicago in southern Wisconsin, Wandawega Lake Resort is your best chance at re-living those memories from Bunk 12—only probably much better. The major undertaking of ad world executives and husband and wife team David Hernandez and Tereasa Surrat, the camp was a Latvian Catholic summer retreat until they took ownership several years ago. These days, after some major sprucing-up, including renovating the private cottages, building boy scout-reminiscent tents, and raising an enviable modernist tree house, the lake front property has become a magnet for urban creatives.  Photo 1 of 9 in Design-Minded Outdoor Summer Getaways by Zinzi Edmundson

Design-Minded Outdoor Summer Getaways

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Two hours northwest of Chicago in southern Wisconsin, Wandawega Lake Resort is your best chance at re-living those memories from Bunk 12—only probably much better. The major undertaking of ad world executives and husband and wife team David Hernandez and Tereasa Surrat, the camp was a Latvian Catholic summer retreat until they took ownership several years ago. These days, after some major sprucing-up, including renovating the private cottages, building boy scout-reminiscent tents, and raising an enviable modernist tree house, the lake front property has become a magnet for urban creatives.