"The big pieces are a result of metal knowledge and physical forces; they can be any size, on up and up...They too are a part of me, of course; however I am following certain laws of metal and its reaction to bending, falling, cutting, etc. Thus when these objects are played on by the wind and sun they will move, change shape, but always obey the law by which they were created."—Harry Bertoia, as quoted in Wright's "The Standard Oil Commission" catalog.  Photo 7 of 7 in Captivating Sound Sculptures by Design Icon Harry Bertoia by Diana Budds

Captivating Sound Sculptures by Design Icon Harry Bertoia

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"The big pieces are a result of metal knowledge and physical forces; they can be any size, on up and up...They too are a part of me, of course; however I am following certain laws of metal and its reaction to bending, falling, cutting, etc. Thus when these objects are played on by the wind and sun they will move, change shape, but always obey the law by which they were created."—Harry Bertoia, as quoted in Wright's "The Standard Oil Commission" catalog.