Mumbai (URBZ and Ensamble Studio/MIT-POPlab)

Radical incrementalism sounds like a conservative approach to remaking Mumbai, until you realize how many of the city's 12 million residents are living in improvished conditions. The Mumbai team's proposal to tackle the problem of uneven growth would be to liberate land rights and encourage and allow more of the same experimentation with forms that already drive growth. The team joined in the experiment, building a home from available material while reseaching the methods used by locals to construct new structures. 

"We believe it is time for radical, incremental strategies that bring together local and global experience," says Matias Echanove. "Homegrown neighborhoods are the perfect laboratory for collaborative creation and experimentation in new technologies."

As he made it clear, they aren't slums, they're "homegrown neighborhoods." The real question for development isn't about designing around them, it's about encourgaing and incentivizing in a way to take advantage of these development's energy and creativity.  Photo 6 of 6 in Housing in Megacities is a Mess. What Can We Do About It?

Housing in Megacities is a Mess. What Can We Do About It?

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Mumbai (URBZ and Ensamble Studio/MIT-POPlab)

Radical incrementalism sounds like a conservative approach to remaking Mumbai, until you realize how many of the city's 12 million residents are living in improvished conditions. The Mumbai team's proposal to tackle the problem of uneven growth would be to liberate land rights and encourage and allow more of the same experimentation with forms that already drive growth. The team joined in the experiment, building a home from available material while reseaching the methods used by locals to construct new structures.

"We believe it is time for radical, incremental strategies that bring together local and global experience," says Matias Echanove. "Homegrown neighborhoods are the perfect laboratory for collaborative creation and experimentation in new technologies."

As he made it clear, they aren't slums, they're "homegrown neighborhoods." The real question for development isn't about designing around them, it's about encourgaing and incentivizing in a way to take advantage of these development's energy and creativity.