Here, Pilloton's layout the products to make sure all 40 of them would fit into the exhibition space of the Airstream. "The most successful design interventions are the ones that are deeply local and pervasive," she says. "We see a lot of designers and design groups working widely on dozens of projects all over the place. The projects that stay put and go deep into a community, become engaged, and have a stake in a collective future are the ones that really have exponential impact."  Photo 7 of 17 in Emily Pilloton

Emily Pilloton

7 of 17

Here, Pilloton's layout the products to make sure all 40 of them would fit into the exhibition space of the Airstream. "The most successful design interventions are the ones that are deeply local and pervasive," she says. "We see a lot of designers and design groups working widely on dozens of projects all over the place. The projects that stay put and go deep into a community, become engaged, and have a stake in a collective future are the ones that really have exponential impact."