Shoup accentuated the feeling of space in the master bath by opening it up to the full ceiling height. Ipe wood sheathes the sink and tub. “The tile has the appearance of stranding to play off the bamboo in the bedroom,” notes Shoup, who sourced the tile at Heath Ceramics' seconds warehouse. “I pulled a bunch of their less-than-perfect tiles. They’re a little bent, and the glazing is a bit off, but the lack of perfection actually serves us well.” The light fixtures are from Ikea. Photo by building Lab inc.  Photo 9 of 11 in Creative Re-Use in Oakland

Creative Re-Use in Oakland

9 of 11

Shoup accentuated the feeling of space in the master bath by opening it up to the full ceiling height. Ipe wood sheathes the sink and tub. “The tile has the appearance of stranding to play off the bamboo in the bedroom,” notes Shoup, who sourced the tile at Heath Ceramics' seconds warehouse. “I pulled a bunch of their less-than-perfect tiles. They’re a little bent, and the glazing is a bit off, but the lack of perfection actually serves us well.” The light fixtures are from Ikea. Photo by building Lab inc.