Artist Carl Andre's Process

Last night I read this wonderful profile of minimalist artist Carl Andre in the New Yorker. I wasn't nearly as familiar with Andre as some of his contemporaries like Sol LeWitt or Donald Judd or Richard Serra, but immediately went racing to the computer to look him up. His major works are sculptures made of a host of woods and metals arranged on the floor of a gallery or museum. The viewer can walk on and around the sculptures (thrilling transgression) in a style that Andre calls "sculpture as place." As you can imagine, there's not loads and loads of information or videos online about Andre's work from the 60s and 70s, but I did come across this video from Phaidon Press that has both a long shot of one of his sculptures installed in Dusseldorf, Germany, and narration from Andre himself describing the genesis of the work. Fasincating stuff from an artist who has fared well in Europe in the last decades but not terribly well in America. The scandalous death of his third wife, artist Ana Mendieta in 1985, accounted for a shift in the public's perception of Andre, but he is finally getting a big show at Dia Beacon in spring of 2013. I'm not sure this video alone with tide me over until then, but it's a start.
Text by
Aaron Britt
Aaron writes the men's style column "The Pocket Square" for the San Francisco Chronicle and has written for the New York Times, the Times Magazine, Newsweek, National Geographic and others.


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