10 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Architectural Photography

Architectural photographs decode the built world. As a photographer of architecture, I interpret three-dimensional spaces into images.

I carefully assess the perspective, the time of day, the lens, and the exposure to create a series of images that captures the structure’s essence and creates a lasting impression. These images aim to serve the people who commission them – I am the promoter. Ultimately, I use the camera to amplify unique characteristics. If you are an architect, builder, or an interior designer, you should celebrate your work in a photograph. 

 The following offers up ten solid reasons why you should invest in architectural photography:

1. Architects, builders and interior designers need images. Your ability to win new work largely depends on a portfolio of project images that illustrate the quality of your work. 

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2. Architects, builders and interior designers need photography for award submissions.  

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 3. Architects, builders and interior designers need photography to present their work to new clients. 

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4. Architects, builders and interior designers use images to promote their brand in print media. In this case, print media covers design, construction and engineering trade magazines and in some cases newspapers. Images are just as important as written content in telling a story about a structure.

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5. Architects, builders and interior designers need to showcase their work in digital media. Online publications, websites, blogs, and social media all need images. When we read a website or a blog it requires images that leave a lasting impression. 

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6. Hospitality and real estate industries need architectural images. These industries require photography to sell luxury accommodations and home interiors to a discerning clientele.

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7. Education needs images. Students learn the history of architecture through slide lectures and illustrated books. These lectures depend on images of architecture and building.

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8. Fine art requires images. Artists also need to capture their work. It is helpful to capture their work in varying interior and exterior environments. Like architects and builders, these images can be used for award submissions. 

 9. Fine art and architectural prints can be sold at art galleries. 

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 10. Architectural photography is a way to explore the meaning of our environment. 

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All of these points legitimize the investment in architectural photography. It is important for me to create a window that enables the viewer to share my perspective. 

Colosi Marketing
Colosi Marketing is a digital agency focused on professional services marketing. Our mission is to promote the most exciting designers, craftspeople, and tech professionals of our generation.
Douglas Sterling
N a p a  V a l l e y     |     7 0 7 . 2 8 7 . 1 7 5 0     |     Douglas@DouglasSterling.com Douglas Sterling is a storyteller.


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